The prepared materials intended for the children to use independently were placed on trays with all of the needed items in one place. The children took "their work" to a seat at a small table and completed the activity. When they were done they returned the work to the shelves. This set of shelves contains a nesting doll activity, removing lids and sorting activity, a screwing bolts activity, a fine motor activity where students transfer pom-pons into small jars, and a bead lacing activity.
Here is a closer look at the removing lids and sorting activity. The children were to twist off the lids, sort the small sticks into the corresponding colored jar and replace the lids.
Here is another look at the inviting way that materials were carefully displayed to interest the child to play with them and to encourage their careful use of materials.
These are materials from her block area. The children used these when she set them out. If a child requested to use them she allowed it as long as it was an appropriate time.
The white boxes were for literacy activities. She took out a box with two letters inside of it and discussed the names of the letters and the sounds that they make. Then the children removed pictures of objects on at a time and sorted them according to which letter they started with.
I was wonderful to spend time seeing another teacher interacting with young children. Her positive and nurturing interactions with the children were truly inspirational. As they played the children became more and more confident in their abilities and in their interactions with one another!