Thursday, February 9, 2017

Reggio Inspired Winter Activities

In the Midwest we often have long snowy winters.  This year has been unseasonably warm with a much less snow than we normally see.  It was fun to share winter activities with the kids none-the-less and they've been very excited during the few times that we had snow.  Here are some of the activities we've shared:


The Children finger-painted with white paint on blue paper and allowed it to dry.  The next day we looked at books by Eric Carle and discussed how he creates illustrations in his book by cutting paper that he has dyed/ painted.  The children were shown a list with visuals describing how they could create Eric Carle style snowmen.

The children created winter scenes by painting with Q-tips using white paint and blue paper.  Books showing winter scenery were provided for them to look at while painting. 

The children completed a math activity by measuring classroom items using small and large marshmallows.  They compared the amount of small marshmallows needed to the amount of large marshmallows needed to measure each item.


We read the book Snowballs by Lois Ehlert as a class and identified objects added to snowmen in the story.  The children were asked to bring in items from home to create snowmen in the art center.  Their creations all turned out to be different and personal.  Add ideas you have for winter activities in the comments below.

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